Friday, January 23, 2009

Ah, things are heating up again at school

So, just two weeks in and the schedule is going strong. I signed up for Open Appealate with a friend of mine, Chris. So I have a brief due next Friday and oral argument competitions start a little over 2 weeks after that.

I am on the committee for FYAC, which is first year appeallate competition. All first year students are required to right a persuasive appeallate brief during their second semester legal research and writing class. Then, they are required to do a "mock argument" to complete the assignment. Moot Court also uses this as a way to find new members from the 1L class (I was runner-up last year and made Moot Court).

Reading is heavy! And I do mean Heavy. One class I have requires extensive out of class time with mentors and in court.

And I have work.

Which begs the question: what about me? After 5 1/2 straight years, I have to admit to a burn out on school. I want my life back! But I keep marching on because I know that the law is my calling and the purpose for my life. AND, well, now I am so sunk in debt I have to keep marching on! I need a vacation---I keep promising myself one, so soon.........And really, after this semester, I only have one more year left!

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