Friday, March 12, 2010

The Heat Is On

I feel slightly guilty that I have not posted in so long......the crazy busyness of 3rd year final 46 days until I take my last final is catching up with me.  There is just so much to do.  Study for a final, figure out which bar study program to go with, write a paper, finish up work, and tie up all the graduation lose ends.......the heat is on.

The world seems crazy to me right now. I definitely have a case of "senior" itis.....if there is such a thing.  Focus in class in nilch, I pretty much zone out unless it is a class that you really can't do that in.

Finally made my hotel reservations for the bar.  I decided to stay in a hotel up in Portland.  I did not want to have anything from home distract me or feel like I had to pay attention to my daughter.  So I booked myself in the hotel for the test site.  So, I just need to walk down there and plug my laptop in and go for it.  One thing done.

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