Pain. Yep, you got it, pain. One thing I will say is that law school chairs are not comfortable. And the truth is we spend a lot of time, 3 years in fact, sometimes for 6-7 hours a day, in non-ergonomical chairs during class. I am beginning to think this is catching up with me.
During my 2nd year, first semester, I woke up the day before my second final [as it happens for Evidence]. I got ready, sat on the couch to put my shoes on and crack, I could not straighten up. I actually screamed with pain, and passed out, scaring my daughter half to death. She ran for the phone and called my mom, who came and picked me up, and went to the doctor. At the time, I was told that stress does weird things to your body and that likely after finals were over, I would be good as new. I took 4 final exams higher than a kite on Vicodin and flexerall. But when finals were over, I was just a-okay.......
Sunday of this week, I woke up. Everything was a-okay. Had a pretty good day running some errands in the morning, watching my year old niece in the afternoon, and helping my daughter move some furniture in her room. Sat in a chair in the evening, went to get up----zap. Not as bad as before, manageable with heat and advil---until today. Today the pain became so intense that I actually threw up. The only thing comparable I have ever experienced has been giving birth.
I was not going to go to the doctor, but after 2 hours in a classroom chair----forget it. I could not stand it any longer. Called my doctor, who could not get me in until MONDAY.....HELLO acute back pain does not wait.
But as I pondered why this has happened again, I wonder if it is the darn chairs at the school? I spend so much time in those things. You don't get to just get up when you need to. Though today I let the professors know that I would be standing in the back and pacing if need be and I was sorry, but it was too painful.
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