In life, jobs have always just fallen in my lap. Somehow jobs have just found me and I have never had to work very hard at find them. Legal jobs are so very, very different. I am finding out quickly, it is about who you know in the business....and likely who THEY know.
The heat is on right now in job hunting. I have enough money to see me through until August 31st. After that, I will have zero in my checking account. I am terrified. And in a catch 22. The bar results won't come out until mid September or so.
So the networking has commenced. I have contacted as many of my attorney friends as I know, asking them to keep their eyes and ears open. I am also applying for anything that pops up, but the truth is that lawyer positions are rarely listed....Usually someone knows someone, and word of mouth is what gets you the job.
So as you are going to law school, especially if you are going to stay in the area of the school, build networking opportunities. If you have a guest lecturer, make sure and introduce yourself and get their card. You never know when that contact will come in handy later. Get to know the adjunct professors that teach only one class or so in their area of specialty -- take that class if you can. Position yourself so that they like you and are familiar with you -- they will HELP you when you need it.
Finding a legal job is not like finding regular jobs. Know this and plan for it. And be prepared for many no's before you get the yes. Be prepared to get LOTS of no's before you get your bar results. But work your connections.
I graduated law school SEVEN years ago. I didn't have two children (a toddler and an newborn.) I didn't have a troubled marriage. I didn't have the relationship with GOD that I now have. I will take and pass the Texas Bar Feb. 2011. I am praying because I only have rent month for September. I have contacted classmates, former employers etc. I even took a paralegal course while pregnant. Although I graduated with an A; no job. Some of my classmates that barely passed the class have moved to better paying jobs. I once again have tried to get others left overs. Left over jobs, clothes, furniture etc. I am a black woman. I hate the stereotypes about "single black moms." I have done everything I can. I try not to be bitter. I know that the economy is tough in America. But as a black woman I have an EXTRA hard time. We are often the last hired and first fired. We often are first generation college grads. and the networking opportunities are not as prevalent. I am holding on to GOD. It is very hard to see how we are going to make it. I don't want to be ungrateful; GOD has done alot of wonderful things in our lives. I thank GOD for giving me two wonderful children. I thank GOD that I have an apartment, it is not mine but it is home. I thank God that we have electricity. I thank God that we have food to eat. I thank God for everyone writing encouraging words on this blog. God bless you.