Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What means most

Over the past month, I have had a few clients genuinely thank me for treating them in a compassionate and professional manner.  I am usually the second voice they ever hear when calling our office, because I screen to find out if they have an open legal issue to deal with.  At this point, most of the time the client is quite vulnerable.  Remember that they are injured, confused sometimes, frustrated with the system, perhaps scared of the employer -- there are all kinds of physical and emotional issues that they are dealing with.  And you are the person that is going to work closely with them in the coming weeks, months, and years.

I have discovered that while I do enjoy the paycheck (I mean who doesn't), what I really enjoy is a "Thank You" from a client.  When someone says that I helped them, or made something easier for them, or took a weight off their shoulders, somehow it makes all this journey okay.  I might even say it's better than coffee or chocolate, and for me that's saying a lot.


  1. That's great to hear! I've become pretty apprehensive about law school lately, mostly for fear of not finding a job afterward but also for fear of finding a horribly unrewarding job. For me, feeling good about what I'm doing is just as important (probably a little more, actually) as the paycheck.

  2. You are awesome, Lisa! :) This post made me very happy and reminded me of why I wanted to become a lawyer in the first place. To be able to help people! I am so proud of you and even prouder to call you a friend!
