Friday, September 21, 2012


I have stayed pretty quiet on the blog front for so many reasons.... but one critical one was studying for the bar and then trying not to freak out.  This is a multiple time I have taken it.

But my dear readers --- today I found out I PASSED THE BAR!  That's right.  I am Lisa Wright, esq.  That feels so incredible to be able to type and announce here.

So how did I do it?  I focused almost exclusively on MBE stuff.  I used Kaplan (AWESOME, BTW) and I used Benchprep..... both programs have 1000's of questions and they tear the answers apart.  I also bought a book "Starting your campaign for the MBE" written by a law professor and bar grader...... best book ever.  I found some of the mistakes I was making.  I learned to find the red herrings very, very fast.

So October 4th is the big day!  As I embark this next journey, I am going to try so hard to chronicle what is going on.

For now, I am working in the admissions office of the College of Law at Willamette.  I am going to write some things about some of the AWESOME programs they have started there that I think are great for single parents.  And I will write about job hunting, possibly setting up a practice, and the mentoring process in Oregon.  There's a lot to talk about.... ALOT.

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